Tripoli Gerlach
Tripoli Gerlach Research Rocketry, otherwise known as Tripoli Gerlach, is a TRA Prefecture dedicated to the flying of research (experimental) rockets at Black Rock Desert, NV.
Tripoli Gerlach was founded by Debra Koloms (current TRA President) and Tom Blazanin (one of the founding members of Tripoli and is TRA #3, now a BOD member as well) back in 2011. It was done simply as a way of supporting research launches at Black Rock on a national level.
If you look at the "Current Members" page of their website, you will notice that none of the members live anywhere near Gerlach, NV. In fact, many of them live in Pennsylvania! Some even live in the UK and Australia of all places.
They host the annual Hamster Dance launch at Black Rock. Starting in 2016, they now also host BALLS launch (taking over from AHPRA), which I always attend. Back in 2013 they hosted LDRS 32, the national TRA launch. Lastly, they also hold their annual member's banquet on the Friday night of BALLS each year.
I joined Tripoli Gerlach in 2016, and membership (only $20/year) is always open to anyone. Since I certainly support the flying of research rockets at Black Rock, it obviously seemed like a great group to associate with and be a part of! :)
Be sure to visit the Tripoli Gerlach website for lots more information on the club.